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On a roll - Ramp Equipment News covering beltloaders in their spring issue

25 3 月, 2021

Ramp Equipment News´ editor, Alwyn Brice, puts belt loaders under the spotlight and brings a sector update from the manufacturers.

The article includes an interview with Ben Reeves, VP Power Stow Americas, who was asked to reflect on the challenging past year for the global aviation industry, and give an update on the latest product developments.

Here is a sneak peek of the interview:

Because of the increased focus on cargo activities during the pandemic, we received more interest from cargo customers towards our extendable beltloader system, as the Rollertrack Conveyor system not only helps handlers to load or unload bulk cargo easier and more efficiently, but it also enables social distancing in the cargo hold. “Furthermore, last year, we introduced our flexible rental programme, which is one of our solutions to the uncertainty that our customers are facing. It allows them to take advantage of all the benefits that our system offers with a flexible pricing model.” – said Ben Reeves.

Read the full interview and the round-up of the sector by clicking the image below:

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