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Ergonomics and innovation

Fast and safe unloading of baggage and cargo

Advanced baggage handling solution

transfer belt image

How does it work?

Ergonomic baggage handling

The Transfer Belt is designed to transfer bags from various types of containers and carts onto the inbound conveyor belt.

The innovative baggage handling method offers faster and easier unloading of bags and cargo. Using the Transfer Belt significantly reduces baggage handlers´ workload. Heavy twisting and lifting movements become obsolete. Operators enjoy easier workdays and are more productive.

Built on customer experience

Benefits of the Transfer Belt


  • Increased productivity
  • Fewer injuries
  • Less damaged baggage
  • Seamless integration

Improved productivity

As the number of air passengers continues to increase, pressure on airports´ baggage handling operations is also increasing. The Transfer Belt is engineered to provide a more efficient unloading process and better exploit your existing installations.

Power Stow's innovative unloading technology facilitates faster baggage handling at airports and a continuous high performance even during peak periods. Using the Transfer Belt, a single operator can handle a large number of items efficiently and ergonomically correctly.

Looking for a breakthrough solution? Contact us for more information about how we can help you to increase throughput via your current installations.

Feature overview

Transfer Belt

Key features

Power Stow - Transfer Belt


  • 1. Motorized Belt
  • 2. Multi-purpose handle
  • 3. Stowed position
  • 4. Modular rail system
  • 5. Baggage diverter
motorized belt

1. Motorized Belt

The motorized belt smoothly transports bags and cargo of various shapes and sizes onto the arrival conveyor belt in the sorting area.

2. Multi-purpose handle

The multi-purpose handle provides intuitive control and simple unloading. The operator-friendly unit can be operated from both sides.

3. Stowed position

The Transfer Belt takes up little space, therefore it is an ideal solution for any airport baggage hall, where space is limited.

When deactivated, the Transfer Belt automatically returns to the stowed position.

4. Modular rail system

The floor-mounted modular rail system is easily integrated into existing baggage system installations.

The system can be used with different types of airport conveyor belts and at various heights and lengths.

5. Baggage diverter

The baggage diverter guides bags smoothly towards the centre of the conveyor belt.

Technical overview

Integration into existing baggage handling systems

Whether you are planning a new baggage hall or retrofitting existing systems, we offer a solution that fits perfectly with your baggage handling system (BHS). Transfer Belt implementation causes little disruption to daily baggage handling operations. We integrate the solution seamlessly into existing installations in your airport baggage hall.

Contact a Power Stow Sales Manager to explore the opportunities for your baggage hall.



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    Power Stow Transfer Belt

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